In the age of social media, cryptocurrency, and video streaming, it's easy to forg…
A young medical student by the name of Keven Stonewall has been making great strides i…
In 1821, Thomas L. Jennings, an African American from New York City, became the firs…
Philip Emeagwali, nicknamed "Calculus" by his schoolmates, won the Gordon…
Henry Ford is definitely the father of the American automobile industry, but many p…
Granville Tailer Woods was the first African-American to become a mechanical and el…
Benjamin T. Montgomery was a great inventor, who tried to patent his propeller for …
Many people attribute the invention of the smartphone to Europeans, but in fact, th…
There were several Black astronauts before him, but Guion "Guy" Bluford w…
Frederick Jones, an African American inventor and entrepreneur, is credited for his…
Marie Van Brittan Brown, born on January 7, 1922, was an African American nurse and…
Most people have no idea that Marian Croak, an African American woman, is credited wi…