This 11-Year Old is the Youngest Fashion Designer Ever to Present at New York Fashion Week

Kheris Rogers

The fashion business has broken societal norms by the dozen, but 11-year old Kheris Rogers has certainly made a name for herself in the fashion industry. In 2017, she became the youngest fashion designer ever to present her apparel at New York Fashion Week. 
Her inspiration, according to, came from a time when she was bullied for her dark skin. In response, young Kheris Rogers made her own apparel line, dubbing it, "Flexin' my Complexion." When asked about her ambitious decisions, Rogers states: "I know I'm pretty, and I'm not going to let anyone tell me different."

She didn't stop with New York Fashion Week, however. Rogers later went on to share her fashionable clothing on Harlem Fashion Week and at Tom Joyner's Family Reunion. Her name has been spread greatly over a short amount of time, receiving high praise from Vibe Magazine, Ebony Magazine, and

She finds her inspiration in other accomplished Black women, recognizing her potential to become a role model for other future entrepreneurs. This may, in fact, be only the beginning of a streak of young fashion designers with a passion to rule the industry.